Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Seventeen hundred and sixty, what the heck?!

My daughter had to do a family tree for a school assignment and it got me to thinking that I didn't have her dad's family information on the family tree. I called her Grandma this evening and got all the pertanent information pertaining to her Grandma's parents and their parents. If  I knew Ancestry.com was going to start spitting out family trees and censuses and birth records and baptism records like there was no tomorrow...I would have waited. Just by adding her Great-Grandfather's name onto my family tree I am ending my evening in 1760 with her GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT GRANDPARENTS in Froyle, England! I am totally blown away, I am also blown away by the fact that two sets of her grandparents had OVER 13 childen....which is why so many family trees popped up, LOL.

I am proud, I am proud that I am able to give my children what I didn't have. I am able to give them the names and stories of the people they come from. I didn't have that growing up, my childhood was surrounded by secrets and I won't do that too my kids. So now we know that she is Scottish and Irish on her Dad's Dad's side and English (through and through) on her Grandma's Dad's side...this is pretty damn exciting!


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