Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So much Information!

What can I say, when one wall comes crumbling down, the others that have been blocking your way do also. I can't believe the amount of information I have found since finding my cousins. It's like someone up there did not want me finding this stuff until I found them....which too me makes perfect sense:). In a period of 24 hours I finally found my Great-Uncle Sidney's obituary, my Great-Aunt Madeline's obituary and my Great-Grandmother's obituary! The last three pieces of the original puzzle are in place and I can't believe how great it feels.

Now onto the new family mystery....finding my Great-Grandmother's sister Fanny and my Great-Grandfather's sister Sarah. It dawned on me that my Great-Grandmother came to the United States before my Great-Grandfather and that Mathilda may have traveled here with her whole family, not just her sister. If that is the case then I am praying I can find the ship manifest that shows her arrival.

I also had to deliver the bad news to the family that lives an hour from me that my Madeline and their Madeline were not the same person. I felt awful because I was so sure that we were related:(, that being said, I offered my services to them to help them unravel their own family history mystery. We were brought together for a reason and I refuse to believe it was supposed to be just long enough to tell them we weren't related. I am excited to help Bridgette, her dad and her uncles because there is nothing like finally finding the information you have been searching for:).


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