Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sisters Picture Update

My friend Rob in New York emailed me a link to a phenomenal website where they will analyze your photograph and help you find out when it was taken. I emailed the photo of the sisters this morning and just now (not even an hour later) got a response from Gary. He was able to tell me that this was taken between 1880 (when the process became popular) and 1905 when it started to die out. I know that my Aunts were born in 1894, 1896 and 1899. This means the picture was taken between 1899 and 1900 which would explain why my Aunt Maddie is not in the picture. So my cousin Arlene was right, this is indeed her mother and Aunt and my cousin Warren can rest his brain that this is not a photograph of his mother and her sister. That still leaves the question though.....what happened to Jean?

To check out the awesome website and Gary, the dude that helped me, go to:

They are awesome!!!!

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